The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy

Consensual non-monogamy is on the rise, but is it helping or hurting you?

Changing your relationship structure can feel overwhelming and scary. It can trigger major anxieties and insecurities, throwing you into an utterly depleting emotional tornado. What you hoped would be liberating feels more like torture.

No matter how badly you think you want non-monogamy, your body might have something else to say. The surprising intensity of your triggers can leave you wondering if you have what it takes and questioning whether your existing relationship will survive.

What if you’re interested in opening up, but taking steps in that direction is causing unmanageable turmoil? While it may not be easy, it is possible to alchemize polyamorous pain points into secure intimacy, boundless pleasure, and deeper healing.

That’s what happened for coach and sexual health counselor Irene Morning, who found healing for her own complex-PTSD through the practice of non-monogamy.

In The Polyamory Paradox, she combines the science behind trauma healing and human intimacy with personal narrative, client stories, and doable exercises to help you root out what’s not working.

First, you’ll learn what is causing such chaos in your non-monogamous relationship, as well as the body-based tools to stabilize it. Using her holistic pleasure framework, she then introduces you to a new way of thinking about your relationships. Finally, Irene shares how to specifically apply these new tools to the communication, conflict, and collaboration unique to non-monogamous contexts, empowering you to create the relationships that feel like your liberation.